Avoid Boeing flights.

What is this?

Flysafe lets you search for flights while filtering out somewhat unsafe airplane models like the 737 MAX. In the future we'll add more filters like layovers, and allow you to rank airlines by safety.

How does it work?

Every month, the Bureau of Transportation Statistics publishes invididual stats about every flight route in the US, including aircraft models. We gather this data which allows us to filter out any segment that happens with a 737 MAX more than 5% of the time.

This also allow us to give you detailed aircraft data on the route:

Aircraft type breakdown

Why did you build this?

Hey, I'm Karim. I have a couple friends who get really worried about flying – especially after reading the recent (and not so recent) stories about the 737 MAX.

There's not really a flights search engine for people who are worried about flying, so I set out to build that.

If you have any feedback, please reach out by email or on on Twitter. Thank you!